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Google Penguin can penalize Your Site: Tips and Tools to keep your site safe

Google Penguin can penalize Your Site:  Tips and Tools to keep your site safe

Google works constantly to improve its quality for search results. Many techniques used before the latest updates do not work now.  Here are some tools and tips to effectively keep Google Penguin off your radar and not get penalized when using online marketing for your company. The last thing you need is for you to get your website knocked off the Google ranking pages. We suggest promoting your website using the following tips so you can access various areas Google checks to move websites higher up on their rankings with the current algorithm.

For Marketing Content and Social Media:

  • Have you thought about how your social media profiles, like Facebook, Twitter and GooglePlus can promote information to get the word out? This doesn’t include blogging solely. Social Media allows people to connect to get information on their interests! Take advantage, you can’t get valuable information via their participation in voting on, and liking content.
  • There are also great ways to get your documents, slideshows, and PDF files with websites like Docstoc, SlideShare and AuthorStream.
  • YouTube, Vimeo, Viddler and other Video hosting sites can show your videos as an alternative to text content.
  • For blogging, include infographics, like charts, graphs, and visual maps of what your content means, and post it on your sites.
  • Why not get a guest or customer to promote your business, or services? Some of the best marketing is through word of mouth!
  • Podcasts allow people to tune in with their iPhones, iPads and other devices to hear the latest and greatest.

Website Structure and Navigation:

Be sure you website is user friendly. If a customer or visitor can’t find their way to the things they want to know more about, you are going to lose them. Make sure your Home page is on all of your subpages.

Stick to internal linking and having a breadcrumb trail within your sites to allow anchor text around your site improving navigation.


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